Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Jungle Island

Fun, hot, sweaty day at Jungle Island lol.

As i was adding the pictures all Leannah kept saying was Jer-mee, Jer-mee. I gues she is remembering how cousin Jeramy carried her the majority of the time. lol

Bugaboo Bee

Leannah's auntie added another stroller into the mix. This time it's a smaller/lighter stroller.
 This is our new buddy. I hope Leannah treats her well so far she calls her ''Baby Bop''. haha

FYI- I do not ask her to do these crazy poses. lol

Thank you Sarah for buying it for us!

Here is a picture of Leannah pushing her first ever buddy The Peg-Perego skate.

Until next time

Playdates :)

We are trying this new thing where we mama's meet up atleast once a week and enjoy some playtime followed by lunch. It is a great way to bond with our children yet have some adult chit chat along the way! So far the only place we have gone is Cafe Au Play Pembroke pines.

 I like how they are the only indoor play place where you can bring outside food the staff is so wonderful they will even provide you with local menu's if asked. It's a comftorable, clean and a safe enviorment. Recently i saw a place online where you had to pay by the hour for open play how insane is that? Thanks, i'll stick to CAP!

Round One

Round two at Cafe

I sort of told a fib.. Round One is actually round two and round two is actually round one.. You dont mind right? Editing is a pain in the....

                                            Until next time

Friday, August 26, 2011

Well hello!

Well hello there my friends!!

I hope you all are doing well. I have been so busy school is in session for everyone in my household and i'm trying to get the groove of everything. I have taken way more than i could handle this semester so imagine i am ready to pull my hair out and i am only a week in. 

On another note summer has come to an end before you know it will be a New year; Crazy!
I cannot complain this year i was able to see my three sisters and some of my neices and nephew. They are in New Jersey i am in Florida so it's really tough to actually visit eachother, flights are ridiculous priced especially when you need 3 or more.

I hope to have some new pictures and post for you all. 

                             Until next time,