I've missed you so much Mr. Blogger. I am so happy you have decided to finally let me log in so i can update all these pretty people on my ''boring'' life!
So a quick summary of what has been going on since last post..
Mommy is in school taking some very hard Science courses that i am not too fond of. I have also finally joined the gym! <-- if you know me you know that's a great achievement lol.
Daddy is in school doing great ready to make a career change.
Hailey is getting ready for the end of first grade and going on up to second.
Leannah is..... a HANDFUL! If i didn't believe in terrible two's before i do now. I just dont know what else to do with the little lady. She is BOSS!
I will have too look and see if i have any new pictures to share. Funny thing is my Camera only needs to be charged once a month and i still don't remember to charge it. lol