Thursday, April 14, 2011

Backyard time!

Aside from taking Hailey to tutoring i doubt i'm going anywhere for Leannah to run and play so since we all know how much these energetic little ones need playtime the backyard seemed like a great idea. It's really cloudy put what's up South Florida?

Leannah burning some energy (never that) lol.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Leannah shot's...

I can see a MILLION things wrong with this picture but Mama's just practicing ;)

 No Pictures please!!

Now that i am over the whole tutu skirt thing Leannah picked it up. Everynight she puts one on before bed and i have to wait until she is asleep in order to take it off with no crying. lol


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just a few!

My father in law was kind enough to bring me a photo cd with a couple family events we attended. I really like this whole getting to know Chris's family. I LOVE my family but sometimes you want to meet up with different people lol.

And a few..